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Codemod platform helps you create, distribute, and run codemods in codebases of any size.

The AI-powered, community-led codemods enable you to automate framework upgrades, large refactoring, and boilerplate programming with unparalleled speed and developer experience.

We are making dream migrations a reality for all developers in the world, one framework at a time.

The Platform

Codemod platform architecture

1. Building Codemods

Codemods have superpowers, but building them isn’t easy. Codemod Studio lets you “instantly” create code transformation bots with AI, specialized helpers & debuggers, and a vibrant “codemod champion” community.

2. Exploring & Sharing Codemods

Codemod Registry is a collection of codemods and automation recipes built on top of popular engines like Meta’s jscodeshift, ts-morph, and less popular yet very powerful ones such as Uber’s piranha.

Contribute your codemods to the registry and make them easily accessible to your users worldwide.

Progressive framework builders are already onboard, keeping their users up-to-date with automatic upgrades and migrations.

3. Running Codemods

Use Codemod CLI or VS Code extension to effortlessly discover and run codemods, with a safe dry-run feature to preview changes before applying them. Easily customize or enhance existing codemods for yourself and the community with a quick feedback loop.

4. Scaled Deployment (Enterprise)

In large teams making thousands of changes isn’t a walk in the park, but an even tougher challenge is getting those changes to land.

We are building Codemod platform which can help you orchestrate large changes across many teams and empower campaign owners to see through their large migration projects.

This piece of Codemod platform is only needed for enterprises with large codebases and teams. Contact us for more info.

Getting started

Take the first step towards modernizing your codebase.